Camella Legazpi


camella supports earth hour 2022

Camella Legazpi supports Earth Hour 2022

“Even the smallest actions done towards saving the earth can make a big difference!

Camella Legazpi had a great experience with the sequential events as we support Earth Hour 2022, ‘Shape our Future’. The celebration fired up as the TRASHformation competition started among our homeowners and business partners exhibiting their creativity in up cycling.

From old shoes turned into plant-homes, to unusable wood pieces transformed into a cabinet, everyone in the party was amazed with how far a person’s creativity can get with their recycled innovations. And along the wonders of the people, it turns into excitement as representatives from each realty group showcased their talents to everyone.

Joyful smiles and faces of awe can be seen from the audience as they witness the cheerful performances and passionate stages of each contestant. The crowd cheers after every stage and despite the competition, everyone agrees just how talented Legazpeños are and the show ended with everyone with a content smile.

Silence surrounds the environment. The main event has finally started, and it is the final event of the celebration, The 1 Hour Switch Off count down and Candle Lightning. Each and everyone had a special part of this momentous event as they individually lit a candle. Afterwards, some short films were played and with the help of the little lights of the candles, the celebration of earth hour was even more appreciated.

Indeed, nothing beats a one community like Camella Legazpi that unites to the fight and enjoin to save our world for our future.”

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