Camella Laoag


camella supports earth hour 2022

Camella Laoag supports Earth Hour 2022

The place we live in deserves to be treated well. Like our very own home seeks a gentle care and appreciation. Amongst any other particular, our Earth needed the utmost rejuvenation from the abusive and selfishness of unjustified actions of our own people, destress to all forms of toxicity in order recuperate the verity of our selfless earth.

Camella Laoag starts its activity at 7:00 in the evening, staffs from different departments joined the said program along with the sellers from various groups. Participants gathered on the venue and handed out a journal sheet wherein asked the things that they wish for, what motivates them and all, after which volunteers shared some of their thoughts regards on what they had written on their journal. Once the woods were lit up everyone assembled on the bonfire to burn out their dedications in life hoping that someday, all that they hoped for will end well. Moreover, pictures were taken to frame it in time, for endlessly and a support showing the kindness and gratitude to our loving home, Earth.

Conserve in a way that the next generation will get to experience the things that were enjoying today. Preserve so that everything may last. 

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