The cold season has been the prevalent weather in the Philippines for the past few weeks, and the weather might seem unbearable for some – especially for those with rheumatoid arthritis. Some would even despise the cold weather because it triggers their arthritis and induces more severe joint pain.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is described as an illness wherein the immune system attacks the linkages in your bones, which causes pain that starts from the lining of the joints. It is a form of inflammatory arthritis, and studies have shown that cold weather significantly affects rheumatoid arthritis.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
Some of the most common RA symptoms include:
· Chronic pain and aching in multiple joints
· Joint stiffness
· Tenderness or swelling of joints
· Weight loss
· Fever
· Fatigue
· Weakness
Rheumatoid arthritis pain that can flare up due to the cold weather can be uncomfortable and cause chronic pain. The cold weather is not the one that’s entirely responsible for arthritis pain. Still, it triggers joint pains that may even affect your mobility, deter you from relaxing, and stop you from doing and enjoying the things you love.
When your arthritis pain acts up due to the cold weather brought by the rainy season, try these rheumatoid arthritis self-care methods to alleviate that excruciating pain:
Keep yourself warm and layer up
Counter the cold weather and alleviate rheumatoid arthritis pain by keeping yourself warm. Due to the cold weather, blood flow is diverted from the body’s extremities to the critical organs, such as the lungs and the heart, reducing blood flow which causes stiffness and pain.
Wear layers of clothes to stay warm, preferably with thick fabric. Long socks, jackets, gloves, beanie hats, leg warmers, and waterproof boots are the best-recommended clothing pieces to help warm up and cover achy parts of your body.
The hands, feet, and head are where our internal body heat is quickly lost most, so it is best to cover these body parts to maintain your body’sbody’s natural warmth. Allot blankets in all parts of your home, too, and not just in your bedroom. Quilts and thick comforters also help keep yourself wrapped up and warmed during the cold season.
Make use of warm water and stay warm when going outside.
Despite the cold season, some of you still need to go to work. So for those with rheumatoid arthritis, it is essential always to keep yourself warm, especially when going outside. To add up to the layering tip, wearing thermal undergarments is also an excellent way to prevent joint pains from triggering.
Remember to make use of warming agents inside your house, too. Upon experiencing stiffness in your joints, you can use heating pads to alleviate the pain. You may also use a towel or a blanket that will help you keep warm in the cold weather.
If you have a dehumidifier at home, you may also utilize that. Space heaters and dehumidifiers can be used around your house that needs more warmth or moisture.
Prevention is always better than cure; you certainly don’t need to wait for your arthritis pain to trigger before doing counters to alleviate it. With that being said, make use of warm water during baths to aid warmth in your body.
Relaxing in a tub and taking a 10 to 20-minute soak is also a good tip, as it also benefits the body’sbody’s blood flow. Swimming in a heated pool is also a great way to lessen arthritis pain, exercise your joints, and get your body moving.
Don’t stress out and get some sleep
Stress does not directly affect arthritis pain, but it can cause you to overtax your body. Getting stressed out and frantic due to the excruciating pain can take a toll on a person’sperson’s body, and pain in the joints can be triggered. Avoid stress by taking deep breaths, relaxing, and doing meditation.
Essential oils are also a big help in helping you relax, and it is best to stock up on essential oils like lavender, citrus, and peppermint. Relaxing in a hot bath with bentonite clay or sea salt can help you relax, alleviate triggering pain, and prevent severe discomfort. A good night’snight’s sleep is the best relaxing thing you can do while it does wonders for your body.
Studies have shown that lack of sleep causes fatigue and pain in persons who have rheumatoid arthritis, and this is a sign to get that well-deserved sleep and rest.
Exercise and try your best to stay active
Most doctors recommend physical activity to alleviate arthritis in the cold weather because it stretches your bones and keeps you warm. Stretch those muscles out, stay active, move your body indoors, get moving, and practice gentle exercises. Exercise and enhanced physical activity are the most effective ways to deal with rheumatoid arthritis.
Moving your body regularly and engaging in indoor physical activities can improve flexibility, boost your energy, and help lessen muscle pains. Start by doing gentle movements or a series of stretching exercises. Try to focus on your wrists, ankles, hips, and knees. Maintaining physical activity is proven to keep your joints from becoming stiff.
Even indoors, you can still engage in physical activities that aid body movements. These include stretching, walking indoors, riding a stationary bike, tai chi, yoga, low-impact aerobics, taking the stairs, and doing light chores. Moving your body results in a rush of feel-good chemicals called endorphins, which can help block pain.
Have a healthy diet and take your Vitamin D
Exercise is always paired with a healthy diet, and yes, it’s also a helpful tip in alleviating rheumatoid arthritis. A healthy diet significantly decreases extra pounds that can trigger stress and strain your joints. Add foods rich in Omega-3, like mackerel, tuna, and salmon, to your daily diet. Green tea are also healthy options that you can add to your diet.
For people who suffer from inflammation, it is best to eat foods with anti-inflammatory properties such as cherries, coffee, pineapples, and vegetables. These foods are not considered as natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis but as food that can lower the chance of swelling.
As a part of your anti-inflammatory diet, you should also consider avoiding processed foods, beef, organs, shellfish, and foods high in uric acid to avoid RA pain.
As much as possible, avoid drinking sodas. We all know that sodas contain tons of sugar and empty calories, and sugar is proven to cause inflammation in the human body. Instead of drinking sodas, drink hot tea or lemon water which are rich in healthy and nutritional benefits.
Don’t take your vitamin D for granted as well. The ”sunshine vitamin” is known to produce when the body absorbs sunlight. Rainy days call for the absence of the sun, and it is scientifically proven that lower vitamin D causes severe adverse pains in persons with inflammatory and non-inflammatory arthritis.
Low vitamin D increases a human body’sbody’s sensitivity to pain. Thus, persons with rheumatoid arthritis would need more during the cold weather. The body only absorbs vitamin D through the presence of calcium. During the cold weather, consume enough of this vitamin by taking a supplement.
Adding fish oil to your diet and vitamin intake is also very beneficial in alleviating pain from rheumatoid arthritis.
Hydrate yourself always

The cold weather does not mean that you should forget to drink water. Being hydrated is essential in keeping the joints in the body lubricated while flushing out toxins. Water also reduces inflammation and joint pain.
There are endless benefits when you keep yourself hydrated. It makes you feel better, glowing, more alert, more focused, and less sluggish.
However, it is also advised that you consult your doctor about the recommended water intake that you will need, which would depend on your health history and activity level.
Talk to your doctor
It is very important to communicate with your doctor concerning the flaring pain of rheumatoid arthritis. The most relieving way would be to consult your doctor immediately when the pain is no longer bearable.
Consult your doctor or physical therapist on what topical pain relief medications to use, what medicines to take that contain counterirritants (menthol, eucalyptus, camphor), or other over-the-counter medicines you can take every time rheumatoid arthritis pain attacks.
Some doctors recommend Rheumatoid arthritis patients take Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve pain if natural remedies are no longer enough to manage rheumatoid arthritis. As much as possible, you should keep complementary and alternative medicine in your medicine cabinet in case your rheumatoid arthritis gets triggered.
Camella Lets You Live in Vibrant Lifestyle Spaces
Camella’s vibrant and upscale lifestyle spaces provide ease of living even in extreme weather conditions. The lavish yet simple lifestyle offered in Camella helps you relax, entices you to exercise more, and gives you access to food and essentials within its strategic locations, conveniently just within your reach.
The green spaces and healthy environment in every residential community of Camella are guaranteed to aid a convenient lifestyle in whatever season in the country.
Camella properties are filled with outdoor amenities like parks, playgrounds, exclusive swimming pools, and open areas designed to offer a relaxing lifestyle experience to its residents. Beautifully-crafted houses and condominiums with upscale facilities guarantee more than just a home but a peaceful sanctuary of your own.