Common Rainy Season Problems at Home and How to Solve Them

By: Krista De Chavez

What is the first thing that comes into your mind when the rainy season comes? The cool winds and the calming raindrops paired with a hot drink or soup make some enjoy the rainy days. But there are also disadvantages brought by the rain. From roof leaks to flash flooding, the rainy season also has its less kind effects. To stay prepared and problem-free during rainy days, below are the top ten most common rainy day problems at home and how to solve them.

Roof Leaks

No matter how quality or sturdy your roofing is, there will come a time when water will seep through its cracks. Not only do these leaks damage your ceiling, but they can also destroy your walls and create unattractive stains. Not to mention the dampening of your flooring, which is another stressful job to clean. Do not wait for another big rain, and check your roof and ceiling for potential leaks. For these, apply a sealant or patching that will close off the spots on your roofing.

Suppose you cannot immediately seal the leaks on your roof. In that case, you can try a few alternatives as a temporary solution. You can use readily available materials at home like a tar covering, plastic roofing cement, roofing tape, or even DIY shingles.

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Drain Pipes leak

Another common rainy day problem is overflowing drainpipes. Overflowing drain pipes are usually caused by inadequate planning on installation. When placing in drainpipes, make sure the outflow direction of water is considered. 

For quick solutions in emergency cases, you can apply epoxy putty on your drainpipes. Alternatively, you can also temporarily bind the damaged area with tapes to act as a seal. This can keep the water flowing, but it is best to seek the help of an expert for long-term solutions.

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Molds and Moss

Aside from leaking roofs and overflowing pipes, another common wet season problem is molds and moss. The damp air can cause the growth of molds on your house interiors, especially on wood furniture. But while molds can be persistent, they are preventable. To keep molds from growing, make sure to dry wet surfaces immediately. Also, make sure the room gets enough fresh air and control the humidity inside to keep any moisture out.

The overflowing and constant flowing of water also can cause a massive amount of moss in some areas of your house and lot. Mosses can cause trouble because they are slippery and hard to wipe off. Plus, they are not very appealing to look at. One quick solution to get rid of them without using chemicals is using items from your kitchen. You can mix an equal amount of vinegar and water and spray it to the area with moss and let it set. This solution can get rid of the unpleasant green growth around the house within just 20 minutes.

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Insects and Pests

Aside from unwanted molds and moss, different kinds of insects and pests also come out during the rainy season. Mosquitoes, frogs, flies, and crickets are just some of the visitors from the rain puddles and ponds.

At home, most of us do not immediately clean or throw away collected water from the rain. Sometimes, it is because we do not see where water is collecting. It is best to constantly check your home for open receptacles that could be breeding areas for mosquitoes and other insects.

Aside from stagnant water, flooding can also bring many problems and diseases into our homes. When there is a flood, it is best to avoid dipping in the water as it may contain disease-carrying secretions from animals like rats.

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More than the physical damage of rain to our homes, it also brings health threats. Insects that thrive in the gloom and cold, especially mosquitoes, can cause diseases like dengue. It can infect anyone, even a child or an adult. If you cannot prevent water from collecting around the house, make sure you are stocked up with insect repellants. If you are sensitive to chemicals and odors of insecticides, you may use scent-free lotions to repel mosquitoes and other insects.

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Laundry Drying

The rainy season chill may be a welcome reprieve from the summer heat, but it is not usually the case for our laundry. Without the sun, clothes take a longer time to dry. Not to mention that you have to hang them inside to protect them from the downpour of the rain. As a result, it takes days for them to dry, and their smell isn’t really ideal. You may use dryers for some clothes, but make sure they are not made of materials that quickly wear and tear. You may also use handheld dryers and while you are at it, make sure the room has enough air circulation.

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Power Outages

Because rain and wind are almost constant during the rainy season, power outages are also more frequent than usual. The damage can range from broken power lines to exploded fuses. That said, it could take hours or even days for power to come back.

To keep power outages from disrupting your work, you might want to invest in batteries and power banks. It is also best to fully charge all your devices at the first signs and warnings of bad weather.

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Damaged Plants and Crops

If the rain can damage your interiors, it can also do the same to your outdoors. Heavy rains and strong winds can flood and uproots plants. If you are growing fragile flowers and fruit-bearing plants in your house and lot, make sure they are placed somewhere safe. Much better if they are in movable pots. If you are growing plants in your garden, you may want to temporarily shield them from the downpour in your garage. While water is good for plants, it can only take so much.

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Transport Inconvenience

Another common struggle during the rainy season is getting from one place to another. The challenge is double if you are going to work. During the typhoon season, going to work means going against the worst of nature. Sometimes this means braving the heavy rain and strong winds and passing through flooded highways. 

While you have no control over this weather, you have full control over how to protect yourself. During extreme weather, make sure to check the news before going out. Also, have your alerts on for potential road closures and work suspension. Even just knowing what you’ll face down the road is enough preparation to brave the outside.

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These are just some of the common rainy season problems at home that most of us have to face. With the double threat of the rainy season and the pandemic, it is best to also remember the basic COVID-19 precautions before going out.

In these trying times, having a healthy home where we can feel safe is more important than ever. Learn more on how you can protect your home with Camella. Check out our catalog of house and lot for sale for your healthier home options.

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