When the COVID-19 pandemic started, there was a lot of hype that happened, such as baking, doing TikTok videos, collecting plants, barter, room, and home renovations, and many more. One of those is the hype in collecting plants for their garden and homes. Many people joined this trend and labeled themselves “plantita / plantito.” The price of the plants appreciates because of this trend. Even the market like Shopee, Lazada, and other known shopping applications where people purchase different products adapted to this trend. They started selling varieties of plants in their application, and people are buying from them even if the prices are not worth it, maybe because it’s their way to cope with the stress of not being able to go out because of the lockdowns.

In living in a condominium, you really want to make it as comfortable and aesthetic as possible. Having plants at home is one thing to consider. Adding plants to your surroundings does not only add beauty to your home. It also helps clean the air and reduce your fatigue and stress. Another benefit of having plants at home is that it can lift your mood up because of the relaxing view, and you will feel the freshness of the air inside your home. Here are the lists of the low-maintenance indoor plants to have at home.
Snake Plant
Snake plant is also known as Mother-in-law’s tongue and Viper’s bowstring hemp. This plant is the most common indoor plant in the Philippines because it is easy to find. There are different snake plants that you can buy, such as bird’s nest snake-plant, cylinder snake plant, laurentii sansevieria, twisted sister, white snake plant, rhino grass, and sansevieria desertii. This indoor plant has a lot of benefits such as filtering indoor air, being effective against allergy, removing toxic pollutants, relieving minor physical ailments, and may help boost mental health. A study published in Harvard University Extension mentioned that this plant is the best oxygen-producing plant because it has a quality that can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen even at night. This feature makes this plant ideal to place inside your homes since it helps regulate the airflow in your space.
If you plan to buy this kind of plant for your home décor, here are things you should know. This indoor plant is more likely to survive when underwatered rather than overwatered, so do not overwater. When watering, check first the topmost layer of the soil if it is dry to avoid overwatering and root rotting. Snake plants are adaptable. They can survive in bright light, filtered light, and even when there is no light. Thus,
it is best placed in an area with closed spaces, such as in your bedroom with indirect sunlight because too much light for plants will burn their leaves.
Spider Plant
Spider plants are commonly known as Airplane plants, St. Bernard’s lilies, Spider Ivy, Ribbon plant, and Hen and Chickens. It is one of the easiest air-purifying plants to grow at home. According to NASA’s clean air study, spider plants are good at removing air pollutants such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, Xylene, and toluene in your home. It absorbs water through its roots and then circulates the moisture through its stem and leaves. It is best to place a spider plant in a sick person’s room because it helps speed up the recovery of patients. As mentioned by ASPCA, it is a non-toxic plant which is the best feature of this plant because it is safe for children and pets at home. Since it is a low-maintenance plant, it will hardly die even if not given much attention.
This kind of indoor plant is easy to maintain, and it does not need much attention. When watering spider plant, water it well, but don’t water it to the point that it will become soggy. This plant is best placed in an area with bright indirect light to maintain the beauty of its leaves. Spider plants will survive in a space with a little bit of humidity. When you see brown leaves, it only indicates that the air is so dry. To avoid this, spraying water on the leaves will be ideal.
Pothos Plant
Pothos plant other unpopular names are Devil’s ivy, Devil’s vine, Golden pothos, Silvervine, Taro vine, Money plant, Silver pothos, and Money Plant. Like other indoor plants, it is good at purifying indoor air, it increases the humidity of the place, is hard to kill, and is a versatile plant. The clean air study by NASA mentioned that pothos plants are good at removing benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and Xylene from the air. Having a place with humid air can protect you from catching colds and influenzas. It is known hard to kill plants that’s why it is called “Devil’s Ivy.” Pothos is a low-maintenance plant that does well in both sun and shade. This plant is widely grown indoors because it is easy to take care of and can survive even if it is not watered for days.
For the plant to get the best result, it is preferable to place it in an area with bright indirect sunlight near the windows. Pothos plants are the best hanging plant décor because it is easy to train. You can grow this
by wrapping it over a bamboo hoop. Pothos plant likes its soil to dry out. However, if the plant is kept dry for too long, the edges will turn brown and dry.
In making your condo beautiful, you need to consider things like having a small décor. Having low-maintenance indoor plants at your place is a wise decision for many reasons. One of those is that it is pleasing to the eyes. Also, it has many health benefits, such as reducing stress and eliminating air pollutants. Another thing is that it does not consume a lot of space to display because you can just put it in the corners of your bedroom, living area, countertop table, or even use it as a hanging decoration.
Life Well Lived in Camella Manors Davao
With this trend in the market, Camella Manors Davao also hopped in by adding various plants to their surroundings to add more beauty to the Camella community. Camella is famous for being the only Pine Estate Community in Davao City. Their community is surrounded by Caribbean pine trees and other greeneries that are alluring and worth experiencing. This move by Camella is an initiative to level up their game from other developers. We all know that Filipinos love to capture beautiful sceneries. With Camella, you don’t need to go outside your homes to capture the beauty of nature. You just need to look outside your windows, and you can now enjoy the beauty of a pine estate community. What are you waiting for? Buy your condo now! And elevate your condo living by putting a touch of nature inside and outside your homes.