Financial stability is truly rewarding, but having the knack to know where and how to invest your money properly can be challenging. There are endless ways to expend one’s money wisely. In a country like the Philippines, one of the most popular is Real Estate Investment.
Investing in real estate in the Philippines has been looked into with favor nowadays because property values are rapidly rising. Leading real estate brands and developers like Camella offer a wide array of residential houses, lots, and condominium units that cater to every client’s preference, from pricing options, and property type, to the location of the property a client wants to invest in.
However, one of the most important things to consider in real estate investment is nature sustainment. Oftentimes, people wonder how natural environment and its sustainability can impact on real estate as an investment. Sadly, very few actually include sustainability, green architecture, and the like, in their checklist for consideration when considering a real estate purchase.
Investment Opportunities You Can Check Out in the Philippines
Across the islands, the country is endowed with sprawling, rich lands that yield crops or vegetation, become havens for real estate developments, or become expansive shelters for industries like manufacturing, industrial, and logistics – whether in rural areas, suburbs or city centers. You can never imagine the enormity of the land base this small country of 7,000 islands possesses.
When investing in real estate, people are dictated by the purpose of the purchase. Do they intend to buy a residential lot and build their forever homes? a place of their own where they can set roots and thrive in. Or purchase and develop land for investment and business purposes. This intention likewise dictates the location of the property they will put a stake on — whether they want to be in the thick of a bustling metropolis or in the confines of the quiet suburbs.
What type of residential lot suits your needs?
Once you are set on the purpose of your lot investment, it is now time to look at different lot options. Suppose you are looking to build your own house and lot, there are several types that you can consider depending on how big a house you wish to build, its features and its location within a community.
Choosing the residential lot type is probably one of the vital aspects of your investment and house building decision because it can impact on the design of house you intend to build. It is best to research beforehand so you at least have basic knowledge. Do not let terminologies and technical terms overwhelm and overtake you, though.
The list of residential lot type is actually quite long but here are the more popular ones. The list will attempt to explain the upside and downside of the various lot style for residential properties in the hope that you will find the right fit for your need.
The Ideal Corner Lot
Located at the intersection of two converging streets, a corner lot is considered by many as the ideal lot for a home. For one, a corner lot allows you to build a house with access from several points, including the front of the house, the backyard or back of the house, and a third access at the side yard. A home situated at the corner of the street means there is no other property sitting right next to you, allowing more natural light to enter your house. However, this may not be type for those who value their privacy as a house on a street corner can be seen from many sides – and therefore more people.
Connected in a Cul-De-Sac
Another coveted residential lot type, a house and lot in a cul-de-sac is positioned at the end of a street with a turnaround, affording more security and privacy for its residents. The home types in this residential lot may have smaller front yards but compensated by a wider backyard.
The Key Residential Lot
If you are on a tight budget, then a key lot may just be the right match for you. A key lot is the first lot that comes after a corner lot, therefore wedged between two properties and a possible third neighbor at the back part of the house. Its position may compromise your access to natural lighting as the two homes beside can block the sunlight.
The Intersection T Lot
This residential lot type have homes placed at the convergence of two streets that compels drivers to either turn left or right, therefore forming a T shape. If the house and lot is not within a subdivision, the amount of traffic may be high and may pose a problem with security. Moreover headlights reflecting on windows and other glass parts of the house may be disturbing at night.
The Interior Lot Type
Quite similar to a key residential lot, an interior lot is surrounded by neighbors on all sides. An interior lot is the most common type of residential lot and costs lower than the other types. It may have a small backyard but lacks privacy with the other properties around yours.
The Flag Type Residential Lot
Considered the least desirable of the choices among residential lot types, the flag lot is perched behind other residential lots with only a long and narrow access to the main street. Its backyard, though absent in most flag lots, is surrounded by backyards of other properties, compromising security and privacy.
Advantages of Residential Lots in Rural Areas
Putting in your hard-earned cash in a residential lot is an ideal way to add value to your investment and perhaps even generate passive income along the way. A residential lot gives the option to build a house or other structures meant for businesses.
Take note that the value of this property increases over time. Soon, you can use the property to generate rental income or sell the property later for a good profit return. Moreover, a residential lot requires less maintenance which gives an edge to investing in a residential lot or property.
A residential lot offers advantages beyond the usual. A land investor can now invest in a residential lot in rural areas without worrying so much about environmental consequences as balance in urbanization and nature sustainment is practiced there more often than in bigger and densely populated cities. The advent of technology now allows every family to enjoy a balance of quality life and wellness through urbanization.
Why a Residential Lot in Camella is a Wise Choice for Investment

A long-term and wise investment choice also means considering the lifetime benefits you can gain. Most Filipinos in this day and age, aside from considering how a particular investment can offer a great return and value for money, also proffers a drive for a healthy and safe natural environments. Investing in housing properties, residential lot, or other forms of real estate investment is not just trend in these trying times. It has become one of the wisest avenues for an individual to become financially stable with the benefits of good returns in the long run while helping build a sustainable society.
Camella acknowledges this idea by optimizing technological advancement to produce a sustainable real estate investment plan. With over 49 properties all over the Philippines, Camella offers the breadth and depth of products — communities within sustainable green spaces. Tree-lined avenues in Camella communities welcome homeowners and visitors alike, including green circuits perfect for morning jogs, walking, or biking.
Owning a residential lot or property in Camella offers benefits, such as being in a safe and secure community of beautiful homes for every family with a promise of excellent value and return of investment for your hard-earned money.
Camella projects welcome investors, professionals, and even retirees. Visit the nearest Camella property in your area now and take the first step to wiser financial stability.